80 million fader moves…
96 thousand pots of coffee…
Countless all nighters…
Hundreds of classic rock songs…
Dozens of Rock Stars and some that never were…
Several nominations and awards…
Five Grammys®, and a good many stories to tell.
But gratefully only ONE
Ross Hogarth
Welcome…Come on in. Let’s hang !
Edgar Winter’s 2023 Grammy® Acceptance Speech for “Brother Johnny”
Gregg Bissonnette interviews Grammy® winners, Edgar Winter and Ross Hogarth
Latest Happenings…
Thank you to The Academy and all the voters of NARAS for this honor bestowed on Edgar, myself and Brother Johnny.
See Edgar’s pre-win red carpet interview HERE
Statement from Edgar Winter
Hello all,
I am absolutely overwhelmed, overawed, and overjoyed to receive this nomination. The outpouring of Love, respect, and admiration for Johnny and his music is so touching and so far beyond anything I ever expected. For me this is all about Love: my Love of music, a record of Love kept for our family, the past with my brother Johnny, our Mom and Dad, the deepest Love—in the here and now—for my wife (and inspiration) Monique, and the Love we hope to pass on to all the future fans of tomorrow’s music yet to come.
The nomination (and the album itself) are just now starting to sink in and feel real to me. Have you ever had the feeling that something is just too good to be true? Well, that’s what this is like. I can grasp the fact that the album has been nominated, but the idea that I myself am a Grammy nominee again still escapes me.
I know that technically it IS my album (I am the artist) but it feels more like Johnny’s, or something that somehow just came into existence in and of itself. Ross, Monique, and I tried to guide and shape it, but the music took on a life all its own through the great musicians who performed it, and everyone who became a part of our devoted team—who believed in, supported, promoted, and thereby contributed to it with their effort, faith and Love.
Practically speaking, Ross Hogarth and I made this album together, but spiritually, emotionally, and inspirationally—I never would have (or could have) done it without my wife, Monique. I’ve spoken at great length about Ross, the great ideas and amazing artists he brought into the mix—but I think, not enough about the part Monique played in its making.
I had serious reservations about making the album in the beginning, but Monique was always absolutely certain, emphatic, and definite about it all along. She helped me see that I absolutely HAD to make this record, and how right she was. It was a life altering experience in more ways than I ever could have imagined. So positive, cathartic, and uplifting. It was she who (out of the blue) came up with the idea of our dear friend Michael McDonald singing the song “Stranger”—something I never would have thought of, uniquely Monique.
Also, the acknowledgment, recognition, and validation from the music community, the industry, and the academy—after all these years—is so amazingly gratifying and unexpected. I never dreamed I would ever again have music recognized and on the charts.
My deepest and most profound thanks to all the amazing artists who helped make this record; to Ross Hogarth for the great engineering, excellent mixing, and superlative production; Bruce Quarto, Mike Carden, and everyone at Quarto Valley records; Scott Ritchie and Brian Porizek for the artwork, Dave Hart and Elizabeth Freund for management and promotion, Kerry Gogan for getting the word out to help secure the nomination; my beautiful wife Monique for her ever embracing Love, faith, encouragement and support; and all our friends and fans for your continued loyalty, enthusiasm, and devotion over the years.
I am humbled, honored, and thrilled by this amazing turn of events. Getting this nomination is wonderful – it is already a win! The votes I’m hoping for continue to be those from your heart for some really good down-home music that I think just deserves to be heard.
My simple aspiration has always been to become a better musician—and in doing so, help to pass on that Love and inspiration of music to others who would follow. It is my hope that the album “Brother Johnny” may serve to do just that. I know Johnny is smiling down from blue heaven—probably shouting out that infamous (Rock ‘n’ Roll)—and I hope thinking, not bad little brother.
Peace, Love, and Keep On Rockin’,
Edgar & Monique
Quote from Edgar Winter “The next person so deeply involved with this project that I most of all want to thank is Ross Hogarth. Ross started out as the engineer and mixer, but soon became a producer and co-creator. He loves Johnny’s music as much as I do, and is as familiar with it as Well. Ross, Monique and I thank you from both our hearts for all the hard work, the love and care, the thought and imagination, the artistic creativity, and all the great artists you helped bring into the project. It simply would not be the album it is, without you.”
Listen to the project >>here<<. -
Ross was a guest of the McCartney Gals and talks all about the making of Grammy® nominated “Brother Johnny”
Cindy Alexander - Broken but Beloved (Official Music Video) >>Watch Here<<
Cowritten and produced by Ross Hogarth.